Andre Fisher - April 18 2022
What Is Process Automation and Workflow Automation?
The Common misconception that Workflow Automation is the same as Process automation has led to a lot of people using these terms interchangeably.
The Common misconception that Workflow Automation is the same as Process automation has led to a lot of people using these terms interchangeably. However, the truth is that although process automation and workflow automation are similar, they are entirely different. Some common similarities of both processes can be found in their benefits. Some of these benefits include;
- Saving Time
- Minimising Costs
- Minimising errors
- Enhancing Productivity
- Developing Repeatable Sales Process.
To get a better understanding of what each of these terms means, let's explain them separately.
What is Workflow Automation?
Workflow refers to the steps involved in completing a task. These are the repeatable activities done to ensure documents, data, information, and tasks progress properly between different departments in the company. It is necessary to ensure that different departments in the company work in tandem to produce the outcome. This involves following a set of rules that ensures high efficiency and productivity when handling business tasks.
Workflow Automation is the process of using technology to automate manual tasks. Some common examples of this can be found in;
- Social media publishing
- Document creation
- Sales task creation
Workflow Automation is the process of using technology to automate manual tasks. Some common examples of this can be found in;
What is Process Automation?
Business Process refers to a set of repeatable actions taken to ensure the proper delivery of the product, information, or service to customers or employees. Some common examples of these processes include;
- Customer Onboarding
- Converting a lead to a customer
- Billing and Invoicing
Process Automation is the process of leveraging technology to automate business processes. This often involves the use of tools like Project Management tools, Collaboration Tools, and Analytical tools.
The difference between Process and Workflow Automation
Although the two seem very similar, they have their differences. Workflow Automation is simply the automation of specific tasks, while Process automation is the automation of a number of tasks that make up a business process. This means workflow automation is more involved in micro-tasks like Data Entry, while Process automation is involved in a larger scale one like increasing productivity.