Pipedrive is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM)tool designed to help organisations manage the sales function. Rated as the #1user experience CRM tool, Pipedrive’s simple to use, yet advanced capabilities, empowers your team to successfully manage the sales pipeline and close more deals.
As a part of Pipedrive’s partner program, we can deliver your organisation with complete end-to-end solutions, ensuring your team are deployed with a bespoke Pipedrive that meets your business requirements.
Your business is unique and deserves a solution that will foster growth. Our approach is to configure Pipedrive around your operations and ensure you leverage the platforms many features. Your engagement initiates with us truly understanding your business model, needs and requirements, sales process, software stack and reporting capabilities. From this we design a bespoke Pipedrive configuration that incorporates integrations and automated workflows, so that your sales function can worry less about manual tasks, and more towards winning business. Following development and user testing, we’re here to train your staff so they’re confident and ready to sell from day dot.
There's so much potential with Pipedrive. Let us show you what's possible!
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Looking for an Australian partner to for Pipedrive implementation?
Seeking advice about whether Pipedrive is right for you?
Want to better leverage your use of Pipedrive?
Contact us today and schedule a complementary consultation.
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